Narrow shoe racks

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Being a shoe “addict” can have its perks but can be a challenge when wading through a bunch of shoes on your closet floor as you search for just the right pair to fit your mood. To get your shoes off the ground, a narrow shoe rack can organize and display up to thirty pairs of shoes nicely so you don’t have to waste time in the morning looking around.
Narrow shoe rack:
Narrow shoe racks pictured:
Left: Lynk 1459014 30-Pair Shoe Rack
Right: Household Essentials Four-Tier Revolving Shoe Tree Holds 24 Pairs, Chrome

Some shoe racks are the revolving type. This can save a lot of wall space, but you will need enough room for the unit to be able to turn freely. This is not necessary when dealing with a simple shelf type design. Of course, unless the rack is very high, the fact that it is narrow will mean you can store fewer pairs of shoes.

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