As your little one transitions from bottles to cups, the sippy cup is considered a gateway cup to the more traditional open top cups. However, one of the major issues with sippy cups, especially the ones that are spill-free, is the possible entrapment of bacteria in the valves if not cleaned properly. You could of course buy disposable sippy cups, but that’s not good for the environment, so the next best thing is to get yourself a sterilizer bag for the microwave. Simply insert the sippy cup inside the bag and follow directions. The steam inside the bag created by the microwave cleans out the small parts that might be missed by the dishwasher or by manual cleaning.
Disposable sippy cups:
Disposable sippy cups pictured: Hefty Zoo Pals 8-Ounce Cups With Lids, 14-Count Boxes (Pack of 12)
Disposable sippy cups
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